fredag 17 januari 2014


How do the members of his family react when they find out what Gav is accused of? 

Of course they get chocked. Gavs mum is hysterical and cries.  Page.11

How is his family treated by the people in the town after Gav is arrested? 

They are treated like they were a part of the murder. A parent in Kristy’s class asked why her daughter was put in the same class with the killer’s sister. Kristy then got moved to a little table by herself. They are treated as they were dangerous. Page 13

Why do you think people react that way? 

I think they are scared, scared to get hurt. Get hurt by Gavs family just because he’s accused of the murder, like they are a part of the murder. 

What is the role of the newspapers in creating this reaction, and why do you think the newspapers are so interested in Gav’s family? 

The workers on the newspapers think it’s peoples right to know who the killer’s familiy is. For the boss on the newspappers it’s very important that people know who’s their neighborgs are. Page 5

Is it right that the family members if a criminal have to move away and change identites? Could they have dealt with this situation in any either way? 

I think it’s so wrong that Gavs family have to change identites just because they are not a part of the murder. I think they could dealt with this situation differently. If the newspappers hadn’t written about Gavs family the people wouldn’t be so scared of his family. Now when it’s in the newspappers people think that his family are dangerous. 

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